Forget About Me, I Love You

Happy Anniversary Momma and Daddy!

Happy Anniversary Momma and Daddy!
Thanksgivings' already past, but I'd like to say I'm really thankful for my FAMILY. Especially to my Mom and Dad, they've been there for me since day 1 and it's amazing how they're still putting up with me now! Let's just say I've put them through my fair share of headache inducing troubles, pointless arguments and just being a bad daughter in general... I really don't know how else to explain how after all that, they still keep being there to guide me and my sisters along.
I'm going to chalk it up to a thing called Unconditional Love because there's no other reason, unless my parents are just plain crazy and sometimes I doubt that, for all the sacrifices they go through for us kids. I know of Moms and Dads who put themselves first before their own kids and it's just sad. To be honest, I'm scared of being a parent. But my own parents are doing such a great job raising me and my sisters that I feel I won't have to worry as much because I'll have them to look up and aspire to be like.
As for my sisters, I know I haven't been the best Ate; big sister, to them. Sorry for that and everything I've ever done wrong to you two! I'm still learning and getting the hang of things, I just hope they know that I'm always going to be here for them no matter what, just like Mom and Dad. And if I'm not, don't worry I'll make up for it when I become a Nurse already! Oh crap, I shouldn't have said that. I have a feeling I'll be held accountable one day.. They're both still so young though: my middle sister Allison is 11 and my baby sister Samantha is only 4. My parents didn't plan it but we're all about 7 years apart. I just can't wait for when we're all grown up, having our own family get togethers and Momma & Daddy get their own room in each of our houses. (:
For now, everything is just perfect. I couldn't ask for anything else from my family. I'm just going to strive to be the best I could be for them. After all, it's what they deserve because they're ALWAYS going to be the best I will ever have. You best believe! Hah.
I'm going to chalk it up to a thing called Unconditional Love because there's no other reason, unless my parents are just plain crazy and sometimes I doubt that, for all the sacrifices they go through for us kids. I know of Moms and Dads who put themselves first before their own kids and it's just sad. To be honest, I'm scared of being a parent. But my own parents are doing such a great job raising me and my sisters that I feel I won't have to worry as much because I'll have them to look up and aspire to be like.
As for my sisters, I know I haven't been the best Ate; big sister, to them. Sorry for that and everything I've ever done wrong to you two! I'm still learning and getting the hang of things, I just hope they know that I'm always going to be here for them no matter what, just like Mom and Dad. And if I'm not, don't worry I'll make up for it when I become a Nurse already! Oh crap, I shouldn't have said that. I have a feeling I'll be held accountable one day.. They're both still so young though: my middle sister Allison is 11 and my baby sister Samantha is only 4. My parents didn't plan it but we're all about 7 years apart. I just can't wait for when we're all grown up, having our own family get togethers and Momma & Daddy get their own room in each of our houses. (:
For now, everything is just perfect. I couldn't ask for anything else from my family. I'm just going to strive to be the best I could be for them. After all, it's what they deserve because they're ALWAYS going to be the best I will ever have. You best believe! Hah.