A New Year + New Goals = A New Me?
[i've got nothing to lose, except weight! so here goes!]
- Be Organized: Get a big calendar and daily planner to help keep track of due dates, appointments, events, etc. That way, there's no excuse to be late or on "Filipino Time"
- Keep My Room Clean! By cleaning it once every week or more, depending on how messy it is. Remember: "A Cluttered Room makes for a Cluttered Mind"
- Do Laundry Once a Month: Instead of waiting until my clothes run out because that'll never happen.. So the dirty clothes pile up, making the room messy; and that's a No-No!
- Eat Healthier. Have fast food only once or twice a week. NO SODA: only water, teas, and juices. Don't eat too much and keep it in proportion.
- Save Money! Buy only if I need and rarely if I want. Start putting money away in a Bank Account again. Interest from Savings is my BFF!
- Exercise 30min a Day or 3-4x a Week: Run, Dance, Walk. Do Something, Be Active, Be a Verb! hehe.
- Volunteer/Community Service: At least once a month or more. Helping out others, donating, random acts of kindness, charity work. You know, all that good stuffs. (:
- Focus on School! Get Straight A's! Just think the Asian Grading System way: A=Average, B=Below Average, C=Crap, D=Below Average, F=Fail
- Family: Take to heart "Forget About Me, I Love You" Do things not just for myself but for them too. Like helping out without being told & to be a better Ate.
- Friends: Spend time and catch up with old friends, find a way to keep in touch with long distance friends and make lots of new friends. "The more the merrier!"
- Reduce Negativity: Always see the bright side of things. Learn to appreciate things for the way they are, not for how they "should be". And no Debby Downers please!!
- Have More Patience. It's the key to achieving everything on this list. But it'll also take time and effort. So don't go giving up! Just be patient.